You deserve
a fulfilling life
We are uniting and empowering people to live a more human life. Join us on the path to living a happier, healthier, more complete life. We're here to unwind the habits and lifestyle that lead to anxiety, lack of sleep, lack of energy, and lack of purpose that seem unavoidable in the modern world.
Join The Movement 👉Why Reanthropize?
In the 1970s — with race riots, the Vietnam war, and the threat of global nuclear war — one in 30 teens suffered from anxiety. By the late 90s / early aughts, this had doubled. Today, more than one in eight teens are diagnosed with anxiety across the western world, and more than a third demonstrate moderate to severe symptoms.
And it's not just the teens. The teens are that way because of the adults. Workplace unhappiness is at an all-time high. We sleep poorly, eat poorly, don't spend enough time and quality time with family. All of this stems from one root cause: we've forgotten how to live like humans. Reanthropize can solve this problem.
Reanthropize is a community where people come together to share knowledge, experiences, and resources to rediscover the essence of being human.
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