Photo of a young woman sitting in nature and reading a book.

Happier. Healthier. More Fulfilled.

Start living again, today

I Want to Live Well 👉
  • Stronger relationships

  • Less stress

  • Genuine fullfillment

  • Greater happiness

  • Healthier mind and body

Just a handful of habits can make a genuine difference in your life. You're probably already on the right track — maybe you're already using an Oura Ring or an Apple Watch to track your sleep; maybe you're taking vitamins or other supplements; maybe you have an app to make sure you're getting 10,000 steps per day. You're doing these things because you know that how you sleep, what you eat, and how much exercise you get are important for you health.

But it goes much deeper than that. You can improve your entire mental and emotional state are affected by how we eat, sleep, and move. Some of it is about the "what", but much more if it is about the "how". Develop the Reanthropize habits, and start living a happier life, today.

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All you need is a name and an email to get started. You'll get a new chapter every week (or as soon as it's written) straight to your inbox in your favourite eReader format.

(Re-)Learn What We've All Forgotten

(Re-) learn the behaviors and habits that kept our forefathers happy and productive for millennia.

Lead A Life of Strength and Happiness

Put the learning into practice, start building the habits to see immediate benefits and build a foundation for you and your family for generations to come.

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Take Back Control

Time is precious — but only if it's meaningful. (Re-) learn how to control yours. Clocks are nearly magical — they let us navigate the oceans, run machines, even build computers — but they're meant to be our tool, no us theirs. Stop being a slave to the clock, and learn to spend your time on the things that truly matter.

When you have the right habits in place — when you're controlling your time — you embark on a path of deeper meaning, fulfilment, relationships, and even a good night's sleep.

Reduce Anxiety

Life is full of stress. But when you're living well, the stresses in your life are strengthening. When you're eating poorly and sleeping poorly, it puts you under the bad kind of stress — the kind that shortens your life and impacts your attitude to the point that it damages relationships.

But when your sleep and diet are in harmony, you can move like a human — you can get up and dance! And these stresses — the ones caused by moving well — strengthen your body, mind, and spirit.

Live Healthier, Longer

Living a long life isn't nearly as wonderful unless that life is healthy. Become healthier in mind, body, and spirit — in ways that will last as long as you do.

There are many reasons to want to live a long life. But we've all seen grump old people, lonely old people, old people confined to a wheelchair or a walker. Sure, Father Time comes for us all — but with the right habits, the habits we followed since time immemorial but have lost in the last century or two, you can live a life that is as fulfilling as it is long. Don't be one of those people. Instead, be happy, be surrounded by loved ones, and enjoy life!

Join Us on The Journey to Reanthropize!

It's all well and good to look around, or even look at ourselves, and recognise that something is wrong. To believe that, even though we may be "doing well", something is a little off. But, what does that actually mean, and how do we fix it?

Well, we're writing the book to give you the answers! Sign up, and we'll send you each new chapter as it's finished in your favorite eBook format, for free!

Reanthropize: The Book!

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