Photo of a young woman sitting in nature and reading a book.

About Reanthropize — The Community

Hopefully you're doing better than well. Hopefully you're living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. In short, hopefully you're thriving. But a surprising — and increasing! — percentage of people aren't.

At Reanthropize, we believe that the vast majority of the ennui and despair we suffer — and the often derivative problems of drug abuse, unhappy families, weak relationships, fantasy-seeking, anxiety, lack of sleep, obesity, lack of energy, and more — are unintentional consequences of the way we've been driven to live by the Industrial Revolution, and more recently, the Internet.

To be clear: we think neither industrialisation nor the Internet are bad. In fact, we're quite sure that we live in the most amazing time yet. But the way society, information, knowledge, and behaviour have evolved (increasingly quickly) over the last few hundred years, has caused us to accidentally "forget" how to live like humans.

This is not about nostalgia for the "Good Old Days". The old days well and truly were vastly inferior to contemporary times. We live in an era where the vast majority of humanity is healthier, wealthier, and better educated than even the most elite were a few short centuries ago, and for all the millennia before that.

So what's the problem?

We believe that the same forces that led to that health and prosperity have very naturally led to unnatural habits. And we've been naturally doing things unnaturally (so to speak) for so long that they're not just habits — we don't even remember how we're supposed to be living.

But more importantly — we think this can be corrected. And it can be corrected by and because of our current advanced position.

Fundamentally, Reanthropize is about habits — about un-learning the bad habits we've developed, largely since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, but more quickly and deeply since the onset of the Internet Age; and re-learning the fundamental habits that can make us happy, healthy, fulfilled people, but doing so in a way that takes advantage of the developments that have brought us to the modern world. But since many (perhaps all) of these habits are ingrained through societal norms, you could properly say that we're about community. It's very hard to learn (or unlearn) something when everyone around you is pushing against you.

To that end, part of what we do is provide resources, like our free book, to help you learn and improve; but a bigger part of what we do is try and nurture a community where we can all support each other on this path.

To be honest, we have some pretty grandiose, change-the-world ideas of what we want to do; however, as the adage goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day". Ergo, we're going to start a little smaller. Here's a short list of things we want to do in pretty much the immediate future:

  • Get people talking — perhaps through a forum we build here on the website, or on a Discord server, or even just in our Twitter feed.

  • Get people meeting — probably through Zoom initially, but in person as soon as we can figure out how to arrange it.

  • Build a support network — while most people will see tremendous benefits just by following the Reanthropize principles, some people won't be able to do the things they need to do — they'll need professional help. We want to build a network of "Reanthropize certified" therapists (mental and physical), nutritionists, fitness instructors, doctors, teachers, etc...

If you'd like to help, or have ideas, or even just have opinions, please send us a note!

In the meantime, feel free to follow what we're doing by signing up, or following us on X.